These are my friends
See how they glisten
See this one shine
How he smiles in the light
My friend
My faithful friend
Speak to me, friend
Whisper - I'll listen
I know, I know
You've been locked out of sight
All these years
Like me, my friend
Well I've come home
To find you waiting
And we're together
And we'll do wonders
Won't we?
T: You there, my friend
MRS. L: I'm your friend too, Mr. Todd
T: Come let me hold you
MRS. L: If you only knew, Mr. Todd
T: Now with a sigh
MRS. L: Ooh, Mr. Todd
T: You grow warm in my hand
MRS. L: -- You're warm
T: My friend…
MRS. L: You've come home
T: My clever friend
MRS. L: Always had a fondness for you, I did
T: Rest now my friends
MRS. L: Never you fear, Mr. Todd
T: Soon I'll unfold you
MRS. L: You can move in here, Mr. Todd
T: Soon you'll know
- BOTH: Splendors you never have dreamed all your days
MRS. L: Will be yours
T: My lucky friends
MRS. L: I'm your friend
T: 'Till now your shine
MRS. L: -- And you're mine
MRS. L: Don't they shine beautiful?
T: Was merely silver
MRS. L: Silver's good enough for me
T: Friends…
MRS. L: Mr. T…
- T: You shall drip rubies
You'll soon drip precious