History of the Forgotten Things'2010
Piece above the fireplace for which they
paid a mint. Polish it so I can see myself
in the silver finished print. Plant a tree.
Watch it grow. Cut it down to size. See,
the chest is hollow. Profit by all means
and cover my eyes. To be money.
Harlequin mobile above the cradle
turns, Lesson one. It's the first true
thing that the little baby learns. Lead,
the rest will follow. Say I love you.
I don't mean it. See, the chest is hollow.
Profit by all means and cover my eyes.
To be money.
In my hand these lies a smoking
Tommy gun. And you hold your pistol
high, a finger and a thumb. Shows you
can't even fantasize a thing that fires
more then one by one. The rest will say
I love you. They don't mean in. The
chest is hollow. Profit by all means and
cover my eyes. To be money.