I climbed the mountain I saw the other side.
And I can rest now for I am satisfied.
I saw a rich land where each man had his share.
I saw a free land with freedom everywhere.
And there's peace in the valley
And there's hope in the land
And there's joy in the children
And there's love, beautiful love in the heart of man.
I saw a schoolhouse where every child could come
I saw a table that welcomed everyone
I saw a city that had no slums to hide
I saw a prison that had no one inside.
And there's peace in the valley
And there's hope in the land
And there's joy in the children
And there's love, beautiful love in the heart of man.
I saw a lion lay down beside a lamb
I saw a white dove asleep upon the sand
And I saw Caesar give up his mighty throne
And I saw Johnny as he came marching home.
And there's peace in the valley
And there's hope in the land
And there's joy in the children
And there's love, beautiful love in the heart of man.