Skating fast Falling hard
We don't care we're alright
Skate all day just for fun
Drinking beer messing around
Be aware of meeting us on the streets
We are not little mommy's kids
If you don't like us we don't like you
Skaters Haters Fuck You
Everyday on the spots
Jump through the barriers thrashing the walls
Fuck their system their rules suck
We will skate don't giving a fuck
You've said something against us to our backs
Save your heads of our decks
If you don't like us we'll grind you down
Skaters haters you're skum
Cops and rednecks
(Skaters Haters)
Brainless Shitheads
(Skaters Haters)
Suits-dressed klowns
(Skaters Haters)
Fuck you bastards
Fuck you all