So Bye Bye Hugo!
So Bye bye Hugo!
So Bye-bye Hugo!
(And I know you never gave up)
So bye-bye Hugo!
You made music for fight
And showed people how rise
You wanted to sell oil for bananas
You were the most picturesque
But not all people liked you
So Bye-Bye Hugo!
So Bye-Bye Hugo!
So Bye-Bye Hugo!
(And I know ya never gave up)
So Bye-Bye Hugo!
You always were dressed...
In this red beret
"Hello, President" - now you are TV presenter
You had five children
but yesterday you died
disease took away your life
All the world said you: "bye-bye"
Next day will be sad
You were the most picturesque
But not all people liked you
So Bye Bye Hugo!
So Bye bye Hugo!
So Bye-bye Hugo!
(And I know you never gave up)
So bye-bye Hugo!