eagle flying on plains, I have no plans, listening psy-trance, not shranz, Lance Vance may dance all night for long, prolong time sitting in a internet-
cafe, drink a coffee latte, not late to say main words, much violence in a world, I told you never buy a drug, mug of slug in your closed eyes, rise
upon a fallen tree, null talisman, Barak Obama first black skin president in United states, he always be mate to all hood gangsters, cluster ache gone
off by LSD, me and other people try this cure, be sure that which oportunity with a pretty girl will bring you at second base, free base, lazzy speaking
viking king named Bloody ring, lung has blowed lang, I have a strong trunk, by tranquilizer sniper set sleep some time a elephant, picking hard bant
like getting a snowboard kunt about ice hill, feel lyric portion's, baby I've got a potion, lotion head and shoulders prepare for Malder, older murder
new folder at work table, feeble fable, maple plant grow up too slowly, David Bowie with a ground control makes you tall, small hash briquette,french
bread baguette, Im not afraid, also not a bicycle fred, add some med help, dump at city outskirt, short story about squirt, at date site I'm flirting
with nice girls that may arrive to my home, BOME paper, call you later, do sex faster, disaster master flood, have possitive mood at all away of daily
life that never pick up in a hands a knife with target to wound someone which don't like me, already free from aliments couse under stimulator, great
orator under it, fit happiness, dont stress, why mess with a boss, truss lost on a frost, most wanted, landed thoughts, mounts-donkey at Himalayas on
which airplane flyes twice a week from China, cina white fight with bright of your sorrow and hope, don't take this dope try out some rope, nope? cop
will set you at a jail, this will become life fail, sell a sailer, mail-agent rent a ad in browser toolbar, far jump from main route, maim foot, good
idea, lie for bless future, culture of a creature, litherature and biology, G-spot, I will eat a butt of my only lady, will deafeat for her a Freddy,
judje Dredd with a dreadlock's, frog in mouth, gas in a glass, like last Nas album, well doned, abandoned in a camp, slave of a lamp, sub-zero has
bring me a ice tea, mi-mi-mi says my last ex-girlfriend, shire Kent at english spoken land, car that has a dent, rent a room in a penthhouse, cat catch
a mouse, clutch which needed for every human, Superman love pills, bearl grills, seems look like spike, Mike with rake, boa snake, fake location,
reservation of a table in restaurant, infant, funny moment's of lost weekend, almond and apricot, tom-cat, film "Брат-one", x-box one win vs play
station four, locked door, group Spore, never be alone in a dark, mark her boobs, spaceship troops, loop biggest song for a soul, goal at a gates,
send a smart message, buy sausage