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  • Текст песни Peter, Bjorn and John - Black Book

    Исполнитель: Peter, Bjorn and John
    Название песни: Black Book
    Дата добавления: 05.10.2015 | 16:41:06
    Просмотров: 35
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    Тут расположен текст песни (слова песни) Peter, Bjorn and John - Black Book, перевод и видео (клип).
    Please put down your guitar before it goes too far
    Your music sounds like shit, how many times do I have to say it?
    You talk and talk and talk about how things should work
    There's no alternative, how many times do we have to hear it?

    I can do everything you do, just a little worse

    Please don't be stupid sir, your opinion is disturbed
    You say you want control but in my protocol you're falling
    We're past the turning point, now money equals blood
    You say it's not your fault but how many times do we have to pay for it?

    I can do everything you do, just a little worse


    Пожалуйста, положи гитару, прежде чем ты пойдешь дальше,
    Твоя музыка - дерьмо, сколько раз я должен говорить это?
    Ты говоришь и говоришь о том, как это должно работать,
    Здесь нет альтернатив, сколько еще мы должны это слушать?

    Я могу делать то, что делаешь ты, только немного хуже.

    Пожалуйста, не глупи, чел, твое мнение нарушается,
    Хочешь контролировать все это? В моем протоколе тебя нет!
    Мы прошли поворотный момент, сейчас деньги равны крови,
    Ты говоришь, что это не твоя вина, сколько раз мы должны за это платить?

    Я могу делать то, что делаешь ты, только немного хуже.
    Please put down your guitar before it goes too far
    Your music sounds like shit, how many times do I have to say it?
    You talk and talk and talk about how things should work
    There's no alternative, how many times do we have to hear it?

    I can do everything you do, just a little worse

    Please do not be stupid sir, your opinion is disturbed
    You say you want control but in my protocol you're falling
    We're past the turning point, now money equals blood
    You say it's not your fault but how many times do we have to pay for it?

    I can do everything you do, just a little worse


    Please, put the guitar before you go further,
    Your music - Shit, how many times must I say it?
    You talk and talk about how it should work,
    There are no alternatives, how much more should we listen to?

    I can do what you do, just a little bit worse.

    Please do not be silly, friends, your opinion is violated,
    Want to monitor this? In my protocol, you do not!
    We have passed the turning point, the money is now equal to the blood,
    You say it's not your fault, how many times do we have to pay for it?

    I can do what you do, just a little bit worse.

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