(A Translation of Martial X:47)
How can it be so hard to live a simple life, to have a quiet mind? But who has ever found a peaceful enterprise, those things which blessed are?
Wealth not labored for
Rich home and warm hearth
Carefree sober nights
Wise simplicity
And yet it’s so damn hard to live a simple life. I have not quiet mind nor peaceful enterprise. And in this subtle way, we honor every man and each one yet to come.
Maybe its only clear looking back at a life once lived. No grace seen firsthand, but lingering on. Maybe these moments all collect to form meaning. Like stones in a bridge, like voices in choir.
Maybe it's all a lie.
Wealth not labored for
Rich home and warm hearth
Careless sober nights
Wise simplicity
Not fearing your last day
Not urging it on