Maybe you are ugly in a beautiful world
Maybe the world's too ugly to see beauty in you, girl
In all the wrong places are the comforts we seek
So it's survival of the fittest and your spirit's too weak
So the doctor put you on some pills that are cousins to Prozac
You can always buy the botox and collagen - you know that
And when you're feeling lonely and you're walking the street
You're gonna sing this little song, it will make you happy
Man made chemical
Love - artificial
Giving up is easy in a cynical world
Is it stupid for a person to use two stones on one bird?
I wanted to be happy like the man on TV
So I bought a fucking juicer and I'm still not happy
Would you sell your soul for a hit of E, a girl, and a six-pack?
The soul is non-existent at least science will say that
And when you're feeling lonely and you're walking the street
You're gonna sing this little song, it will make you happy
Man made chemical
Love - artificial