Cold thighs enclose a leap into grave Ekstasis*
Woven virtues veil howling jaws
Where my cloven tongue seek the vaulted fire
And sweep through dreams of slithering gods
The red swollen glyph is pulsating
Vomiting venom from the ancient tombs
And an eye somewhere inside stares rigid
Luring me into soul-seething swoon
Murder shrieks into halls of mildness
A hissing Horror collapsing upon hindsight
Etching distorted paths into the skin of infants
As hatched moths fly out in the Night
Angelical afterbirth conceived
Within damp caverns of oneiric fluxation
Like blooming tumors that erupt in Swadishtana
Bursts the rotten fruit of normality
Beyond the labia of lepers
And the squeals of boiling babes
Swells wondrous wounds of Scarlet Evil
A pus-anointed mystery await