When time resets, we all become zero.
Когда время начнет отсчет сначала, мы все обратимся в ноль.
Decimals apart, take us back to the start.
Двоичные числа не в счет, возьмите нас назад к началу.
Tear down the walls that were built to divide.
Снесите стены, которые мы строили, чтобы отделиться.
Can you feel that fire growing?[2x]
Вы чувствуете, как разрастается это пламя? [2x]
We're standing on the edge of the event horizon,
Мы стоим на краю горизонта событий,
Moments before the Earth starts to flatline...[2x]
Остались мгновения до гибели Земли...[2x]
When time resets, we all become zero.
When the time will start counting from the beginning , we all turn to zero.
Decimals apart, take us back to the start.
Binary numbers do not count , take us back to the beginning.
Tear down the walls that were built to divide.
Carry the walls that we have built to separate.
Can you feel that fire growing? [2x]
You feel like it's growing flames ? [2x]
We're standing on the edge of the event horizon,
We stand on the edge of the event horizon ,
Moments before the Earth starts to flatline ... [2x]
Left moments before the death of the Earth ... [2x]