Scars cut deep into the mountainside
Logging hearses carry away the dead
Strip mining, relentless destruction
Wildlife forced away
to make room for the humyn kingdom
I see fields and fields of agriculture
row after row of monocrops, no diversity
It's not so different from the factory farms
where animals are confined
Ownership of people is slavery
ownership of animals is the same thing
But ownership of the land is taken for granted
due to generations of blind acceptance
No, you're not free, you never were
But nothing really is, ll is controlled
We're not the only one's having our autonomy stripped
In this Taker culture, anthropocentrism rules
Domestivation of all life, the anti-thesis of liberation
We consume
we pollute
we exploit
we ignore
We'll pass on a desolate world
where all that grows is what we choose
and all that lives is for our own use
We purchase the land as if it's rightfully
ours and don't give a second thought
to the lives we destroy
We're the rulers of this prison we've set up for everything
Wild animals and plants trapped in parks an preserves
We're a part of this world
just like everything else but we don't act that way