1.Krankbrother - Big Mo
2.Gulivert - 90s
3.Seff - Breakin
4.WK7- Higher Power (Hardcore PCK Mix)
5.WK7- Do It Yourself
6.Krankbrother - Electric Lucifer
7.Harvey McKay - Venom
8.Umek & Beltek - Let The Bass Kick
9.Dave Angel - Voodoo
10.Hollen - Flopper
11.Fedde Le Grand - Metrum (Umek Remix)
12.Level Groove - HoHouse Music
13.Aava - Lumpa
14.FJAAK - Dont Leave Me
15.WK7- Avalanche
16.Nick Grater - Revolution (Emoutikon Remix)
17.Harvey McKay - Start Running
18.Nenad J, Solum - Saw Street
19.Krankbrother - Zipp (Marc Houle Remix)
20.Sebb Aston - Milkshake (Saeed Younan Remix)
21.Roberto - Rings Of Smoke (Mike Dehnert Remix)
22.Mihai Popoviciu & Markus Homm - More and More
1.Krankbrother - Big Mo 2.Gulivert - 90-е 3.Seff - Breakin 4.WK7- Высшая Сила ( Hardcore PCK Mix ) 5.WK7- Do It Yourself 6.Krankbrother - Electric Lucifer 7.Harvey Маккей - Venom 8.Umek & усилитель ; Beltek - Let The Bass Кик 9.Dave Angel - Voodoo 10.Hollen - неудачник
11.Fedde Le Grand - Metrum ( Umek Remix ) 12.Level Groove - HoHouse Музыка 13.Aava - Lumpa 14.FJAAK - Dont Leave Me 15.WK7- Avalanche 16.Nick Терка - Революция ( Смайлик Remix ) 17.Harvey Маккей - Начало Запуск 18.Nenad J , Solum - пила Улица 19.Krankbrother - Zipp (Marc Хоул Remix ) 20.Sebb Aston - Milkshake ( Saeed Younan Remix ) 21.Roberto - Кольца дыма (Mike Dehnert Remix ) 22.Mihai Popoviciu & Amp; Маркус Homm - все больше и больше