A numbing paradox
A numbing paradox that’s powering this crisis. The use of bombs and weapons to sustain all the crying.
And shall we be chipped like dogs out of fear and demand, these are the faceless parasites that’s share our world.
Will we ever get out of here?
Let’s turn this world around, and create our own lives.
Our conscience has been found and now we plan our time.
Defeat is on the cards and so we hold the future.
One step to reconstructing all we’ve ever wanted.
Our distant memories are like a book that’s in disguise.
Now that you’ve disappeared, we rebuild our walls.
Erase dishonesty and we will never fall again.
Will we forget what has happened now a scar a disapproval.
Let’s turn this world around, and create our own lives.
Our conscience has been found and now we plan our time.
Defeat is on the cards so will you tow the line.
Let’s share our world and ride, reality, destroying them and making changes for the good of us all.