Do the scars go so deep
That I can't see through my eyes?
Alone in my sleep
No one can hear my cries
One regret from the past
That I not free myself
Then and be done with it
The pain lies in the past
My scars are not on the surface
They go down deep inside
My pain along they bring
I can not wait to die
The souls of 10,000 unborn children
Cry out in my sleep, it's not so bad
Come along and walk with us and be free
Free yourself they tell me
You're not alone you're not alone
Pain walks with the flesh
Pain walks with the flesh
Out ! I can't wait, my freedom will come soon
Maybe my scars have blinded me from my mortality
But they can not blind me from what's inside of me
I know inside, my pain is real
Inside I know my pain is real