Alchemist Spiritech Staying Conscious
When the first simple cells, Met the first rays of light. Carbon beings in process, Leading to the life that we have today. A billion years later, technology springs. Exploding progress pushes us forward. But exploding progress is tearing us down. What is fiction is fact, There is no blame for conditioning. Reality's created by ourselves, We're to blame for our problems.
Cells of our shells, merge with the earth, Becoming separately involved. Composting, transgressing. In order to embrace life and death. We must eliminate, the boundaries that lie between the Physical and spiritual.
Symbiosis, a two way process. People read their lives and then create their psychosis. Staying conscious requires effort, Evolution reawakens primal subconscious.
- Aware! - Awake! - Alert! Known or felt by ones inner being.
Flow and flower Observer, and observed. A wave, infinite ocean. Life and death in cyclic motion. You are a human being. You have an ego and mind It's a useful part of you But it's not you.
Flow and flower Observer, and observed. A wave, infinite ocean. Life and death in cyclic motion. You are a human being. You have an ego and mind It's a useful part of you But it's not you.
По-русски (перевод Corak the Avatar)
Алхимик Духотехника Остаться в сознании
Когда первые простейшие клетки, Встретили первые лучи света. Углеродные сущности в развитии, Приводят к жизни, что мы имеем сейчас. Миллиард лет позже, Технического скачка. Взрывной прогресс толкает нас вперед. Но взрывной прогресс срывает нас вниз. То, что вымысел есть правда, Тут нет вины за меры к улучшению состояния. Реальность создана нами самими, Мы и есть те кто виновны в наших проблемах.
Клетки наших оболочек, сливаются с Землей, Становятся отдельно окутаны. Удобряя, Переходя границы. Чтобы охватить жизнь и смерть. Мы должны уничтожить, границы, что лежат между Физическим и духовным.
Симбиоз, процесс из двух путей. Люди читают их жизни и затем создают их собственный психоз. Остаться в сознании требует усилия, Эволюция перепробуждает первобытное подсознание.
- Осознай! - Пробудись! - Потревожь! Узнанное или почувствованное теми внутренними сущностями.
Течение и цветок Наблюдатель, и наблюдаемый. Волна, бесконечный океан. Жизнь и смерть в циклическом движении. Ты человеческая сущность. У тебя есть эго и разум Это полезная часть тебя Но это не ты.
Течение и цветок Наблюдатель, и наблюдаемый. Волна, бесконечный океан. Жизнь и смерть в циклическом движении. Ты человеческая сущность. У тебя есть эго и разум Это полезная часть тебя Но это не ты. Alchemist Spiritech Staying Conscious
When the first simple cells, Met the first rays of light. Carbon beings in process, Leading to the life that we have today. A billion years later, technology springs. Exploding progress pushes us forward. But exploding progress is tearing us down. What is fiction is fact, There is no blame for conditioning. Reality's created by ourselves, We're to blame for our problems.
Cells of our shells, merge with the earth, Becoming separately involved. Composting, transgressing. In order to embrace life and death. We must eliminate, the boundaries that lie between the Physical and spiritual.
Symbiosis, a two way process. People read their lives and then create their psychosis. Staying conscious requires effort, Evolution reawakens primal subconscious.
- Aware! - Awake! - Alert! Known or felt by ones inner being.
Flow and flower Observer, and observed. A wave, infinite ocean. Life and death in cyclic motion. You are a human being. You have an ego and mind It's a useful part of you But it's not you.
Flow and flower Observer, and observed. A wave, infinite ocean. Life and death in cyclic motion. You are a human being. You have an ego and mind It's a useful part of you But it's not you.
In Russian (translated Corak the Avatar)
The Alchemist Duhotehnika Stay conscious
When the first simple cells, We met the first rays of light. Carbon essentially developmental Bring to life that we have now. A billion years later, Technical jump. The explosive progress pushes us forward. But the explosive progress tears us down. That fiction is the truth, There is no blame for measures to improve the condition. The reality created by ourselves, We are the ones who are to blame for our problems.
The cells of our skins, merge with the earth, Become enveloped separately. Fertilize, cross the border. To embrace life and death. We must destroy, borders that lie between the physical and the spiritual.
Symbiosis, the process of two ways. People read their lives, and then create their own psychosis. Staying in the minds requires effort, Evolution pereprobuzhdaet primitive subconscious.
- Realize! - Awake! - Worry! Knew or felt by the domestic entities.
The course and flower The observer and the observed. Wave, endless ocean. Life and death in a cyclic motion. You're a human being. You have the ego and the mind This is a useful part of you But this is not for you.
The course and flower The observer and the observed. Wave, endless ocean. Life and death in a cyclic motion. You're a human being. You have the ego and the mind This is a useful part of you But this is not for you. Смотрите также: | |